
schottky diodes for power supply application

Schottky diodes are often used in power supplies, so what is the role of Schottky diodes in power supplies?

The unidirectional conductivity of Schottky diode, the power supply is reversed to directly conduct the Schottky diode, protect the post-stage circuit, in fact, here the Schottky diodes mainly plays an overvoltage absorption role, abnormal voltage or high harmonics exceed the Schottky diode breakdown voltage, the Schottky diode conducts, protecting the circuit to avoid breakdown.

When the voltage is reversed, the Schottky diode is connected in parallel wit

h the output of 5V, and the impedance of the Schottky diode is small, so there are more shunts to protect the output.

Therefore, Schottky diodes also play a certain protective role in the circuit.



Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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