
What is the difference between a rectifier diode, a regulator diode, and a switching diode?

What is the difference between rectifier diode, voltage regulator diode and switching diode? The types of diodes and the types of diodes can be distinguished according to the classification of diode structure, use and characteristics:


1. Types of diodes and types of diodes: classified according to structure

      Semiconductor diodes mainly rely on PN junctions to operate. The point contact type and the Schottky type, which are inseparable from the PN junction, are also included in the scope of diodes. These two types are divided into the following types according to the characteristics of PN structure and surface building:


1. Point contact diode

       Point-contact diodes are formed by pressing a metal pin on a single wafer made of germanium or silicon and then passing the galvanic method. , the PN junction has a small capacitance and is suitable for high-frequency circuits. Compared with the surface junction type, the forward and reverse characteristics of the point-contact diode are poor, and cannot be used for high current and rectification. The construction is simple and inexpensive. It is a type with a wide range of applications for small signal detection, rectification, modulation, mixing, and limiting.


2. Bonding diode

       Bonded diodes are formed by welding or silver filaments on a single wafer of germanium or silicon. Its characteristics are intermediate between point contact diodes and alloy diodes. Compared with the point contact type, the PN junction capacitance of the bonded diode is slightly higher, but the positive direction is different


The sex is particularly good. It is mostly used for switching, and is sometimes used for detection and power rectification (not more than 50mA). Among bonding diodes, the alloy wire is sometimes called the gold bond, and the silver wire is sometimes referred to as the silver bond.


3. Alloy diode

        It is formed by making PN junctions on single wafers of N-type germanium or silicon by alloying metals such as indium and aluminum. The forward voltage drop is small, and it is suitable for high-current rectification. Because of its large capacitance when the PN junction is reversed, it is not suitable for high-frequency detection and high-frequency rectification.


4. Diffusion diode

       In the high-temperature P-type impurity gas, a single crystal wafer of N-type germanium or silicon is heated to make one part of the surface of the single crystal become a P-type, and the PN junction is used by this method. Because the forward voltage drop of PN junction is small, it is suitable for high-current rectification. Recently, the mainstream use of high-current rectifiers has shifted from the silicon alloy type to the silicon diffusion type.


5. Countertop diode

       Although the production method of PN knot is similar to that of the diffusion type, only the necessary part of the PN knot is retained, and the unnecessary part is corroded with chemicals. The remainder of it takes on the shape of a countertop, hence the name. The initial production of the countertop type was made by using the diffusion method of semiconductor materials. This countertop type is also called the diffusion countertop type. In this type, it seems that there are few models for high-current rectification, but for low-current switches.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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