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Identification and Detection Method for Positive and Negative Stages of Zener Diodes

Identification and Detection Method for Positive and Negative Stages of Zener Diodes

Zener Diodes are one of the common components in electronic circuits, especially power circuits. Unlike ordinary diodes, they typically operate in the reverse breakdown region of PN junctions, and as long as their power consumption does not exceed the maximum rated value, they will not be damaged. Let's learn about the identification and detection methods of voltage regulator diodes:

The identification method for the positive and negative poles of a voltage regulator diode: The identification method for the positive and negative poles of a voltage regulator diode is the same as that of a regular diode, and can be identified by utilizing the different characteristics of the PN junction positive and negative resistors. In practice, the R of a pointer multimeter × 1k gear is often used to measure the resistance value between two pins, and the red and black probes are exchanged before measurement. The smaller of the two resistance measurements, the pin connected to the black lead is the positive pole of the voltage regulator diode, and the pin connected to the red lead is the negative pole. The three pin voltage regulator looks like a transistor from the outside, but inside is the voltage regulator diode connecting two positive poles. The identification method for the positive and negative electrodes of this type of voltage regulator diode is the same as that of a voltage regulator  with two pins. Only the common positive electrode (i.e. the first pin) needs to be detected, and the other two pins are all negative electrodes.

Zener Diodes through multimeter R × Measure the positive and negative resistance of 1k for testing. Usually, the resistance of negative resistance is relatively large. If any instrument pin oscillation or other abnormal phenomena are found, it indicates that the voltage regulator diode has poor performance or even damage. The quality of a voltage regulator diode can also be easily measured by energizing the circuit. The method is to use a multimeter to measure the DC voltage at both ends of the voltage regulator. If the voltage stabilizing value of the Zener Diodes is close to the voltage stabilizing value, it indicates that the zener diode is intact. If the voltage deviates too much from the nominal adjustment value or is unstable, it indicates that the voltage regulator diode is damaged.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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