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What do you know about the internal circuits of the bridge stack?

What are the internal circuits of the bridge stack? What is the difference between the internal structure of the bridge stack and the polarity of the DC output voltage? 1. The internal structure of bridge stack and the polarity of DC output voltage: (1) bridge stack consists of 4 diodes, 4 diodes sealed together to form a whole, lead out 4 pins. (2) the bridge stack is usually used to form a bridge rectifier circuit, with two pins serving as AC voltage inputs, two pins marked with the”” symbol. (3) when the bridge is stacked into a positive DC output voltage circuit, its”-” pin ends are grounded and the positive DC voltage is output from the”+” pin ends. (4) the bridge stack can also be connected to the negative DC output voltage circuit, when its”+” pin end is grounded, from”-” pin output negative DC voltage. (5) the half-bridge stack can form a full-wave rectifier circuit, and two different half-bridge stacks can form a full-wave rectifier circuit with positive voltage and a full-wave rectifier circuit with negative voltage respectively. Two half bridges with different polarity are stacked together to form a bridge stack, which is used as a bridge rectifier circuit. 2, a special half-bridge heap explanation: the internal two diodes are independent of each other, the two diodes are not connected between the electrodes. The half-bridge stack is more flexible in application, and can be conveniently connected into various application circuits in external circuits. According to the schematic diagram of the inner structure and the outline of the half-bridge heap, its pin functions can be easily identified. 3. Explanation of bridge-pile identification method (1) explanation of bridge-pile pin identification method: the corresponding positions of each pin on the shell of bridge-pile are marked with””,”-”,”+” marks, these marks are consistent with those in the circuit diagram so that each pin can be distinguished. (2) explanation of bridge reactor parameter identification method: QL-× A is usually marked on the shell of bridge reactor, where QL is the bridge reactor and × A is the working current. For example, QL-3A is marked on a bridge stack, indicating that it is a bridge stack with an operating current of 3A.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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