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Selection and Application of Zener Diode

Selection and Application of Zener Diode.

How should Zener diodes be selected in the circuit, and what is the function of the circuit at the application end?

Selection of voltage regulator diodes:

The selection of Zener diodes should be considered according to the specific circuit. In a simple parallel voltage stabilized power supply, the output voltage is the stable voltage of the Zener diode. When the load is open, the current through the Zener diode reaches the maximum, which should be less than the maximum Zener current Izm of the Zener Diode. For example, to make a 6V stabilized power supply, the maximum load current is 100mA. In this case, the 2CW104 voltage regulator diode with stable voltage of 5.5V-6.5V and maximum voltage stabilizing current of 150mA can be selected. The current-limiting resistance R can choose the 1W resistance of 39 Ω-51 Ω. The secondary voltage of transformer is 9V-12V.

Application of Zener Diode:

The phenomenon that the current of the voltage regulator diode can change in a wide range while the voltage is basically unchanged. The voltage regulator diode is mainly used as a voltage regulator or voltage reference element. Zener diodes can be connected in series for use at higher voltages, and higher stable voltages can be obtained through series connection.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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