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What are the comparative advantages between silicon carbide and silicon material devices?

What are the comparative advantages between silicon carbide and silicon material devices?


The research and development of silicon carbide power devices began in the 1990s and has now become the mainstream in the research and development of new power semiconductor devices. The industry generally believes that silicon carbide power devices are a truly innovative technology that can help combat global climate change and drive the market development of solar energy and energy-saving lighting systems.

1. Wide bandgap improves operating temperature and reliability

Wide bandgap materials can increase the operating temperature of devices, with bandgap widths of up to 3.0eV and 3.25eV for 6H-SiC and 4H-SiC, respectively, with corresponding intrinsic temperatures reaching over 800 ; Even the narrowest 3C SiC has a bandgap width of around 2.3eV. Using silicon carbide as a success rate device may have a maximum operating temperature exceeding 600 , while the bandgap width of silicon is 1.12eV, and the theoretical maximum operating temperature is 200 . However, when the junction temperature of silicon power devices exceeds 150 ~175 , the reliability and performance indicators have significantly decreased.

2. High breakdown field strength improves voltage resistance and reduces size

The high electronic breakdown field strength brings about an increase in the breakdown voltage of semiconductor power devices. At the same time, due to the increase in electron breakdown field strength, the broadband of the drift region of silicon carbide power devices can be reduced under the condition of increasing the infiltration density, thus reducing the size of power devices.

3. High thermal conductivity improves power density

The higher the thermal conductivity index, the stronger the material's ability to transfer heat to the environment, and the smaller the temperature rise of the device, which is more conducive to improving the power density of the power device and more suitable for working in high-temperature environments.

4. Strong radiation resistance, more suitable for use in outer space environment

In the radiation environment, the resistance of silicon carbide devices to Neutron radiation is at least four times that of silicon, so it is an excellent material for making high temperature and radiation resistant power electronic power devices and high-power microwave devices.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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