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What is the difference between fast recovery diode and Schottky diode application performance?

What is the difference between fast recovery diode and Schottky diode application performance?

The difference in application performance between fast recovery diode and Schottky diodes is in three aspects: reverse recovery time, breakdown voltage, and forward voltage.

    Reverse recovery time

    fast recovery diode refers to a diode with a short reverse recovery time (less than 5us), and the process mostly adopts doping measures, and the structure adopts PN junction structure, and some adopts improved PIN structure. Its forward voltage drop is higher than that of ordinary diodes (1-2V), and the reverse withstand voltage is mostly below 1200V. From the performance point of view, it can be divided into two levels: fast recovery and ultra-fast recovery. The former has a reverse recovery time of hundreds of nanoseconds or more, while the latter is under 100 nanoseconds. Schottky diode is a metal and semiconductor contact formed barrier based on the diode, called Schottky diode (Schottky Barrier Diode), with forward voltage reduction (0.4--0.5V), reverse recovery time is very short (10-40 nanoseconds), and reverse leakage current is large, low withstand voltage, generally less than 150V, mostly used in low voltage occasions.

    Breakdown voltage

    Schottky diode reverse breakdown voltage is mostly not higher than 60V, the highest is only about 100V, limiting its use, fast recovery diode reverse peak can be hundreds to thousands of volts, so like the switching power transformer secondary with more than 100V high-frequency rectifier diode only use fast recovery (UFRD).

    Forward conduction pressure

    The fast recovery diode has a forward voltage drop of 0.8-1.1V and a reverse recovery time of 35-85nS, which quickly transitions between conduction and cutoff, increasing the frequency of use and improving the waveform. fast recovery diode are manufactured by doped with gold and simple diffusion to obtain higher switching speeds and higher withstand voltages. At present, fast recovery diodes are mainly used in rectifier elements in inverter power supplies.

    Schottky forward voltage drop is only 0.4V left, fast recovery secondary hall 0.6V, In general, because the storage effect of a few carriers in Schottky diodes is minimal, its frequency response is only limited by the RC time constant, making it an ideal device for high frequency and fast switching. It operates at frequencies up to 100GHz. Moreover, MIS (metal-insulator-semiconductor) Schottky diodes can be used to make solar cells or light-emitting diodes.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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