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What are the consequences of using ordinary diodes to replace fast recovery diodes?

What are the consequences of using ordinary diodes to replace fast recovery diodes?

fast recovery diodes are different from general rectifier diodes. They are small in size and easy to install, and can be installed in switching power supplies or chargers. Its unique design makes the forward current in the circuit relatively large, and the reverse recovery time relatively short. It can continuously change the current direction in a short period of time, so it is often used in switching power supplies. fast recovery diodes have very strong voltage resistance in circuits. When you replace fast recovery diodes with ordinary diodes, it is likely to cause excessive diode consumption, resulting in excessive circuit burden, and thus reducing the efficiency of the power supply. The most serious consequence is to burn out the diode, resulting in a short circuit or explosion of the circuit.

The internal structure of a fast recovery diodes is different from that of a regular PN junction diode. It belongs to the PIN junction type diode, which adds a base region I between the P-type silicon material and the N-type silicon material, forming a PIN silicon wafer. Due to the thin base region and low reverse recovery charge, the fast recovery diodes has a shorter reverse recovery time, lower forward voltage drop, and higher reverse breakdown voltage (withstand voltage).




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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