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Identification of color ring voltage regulator diodes

Identification of color ring voltage regulator diodes


The domestic products of color ring voltage regulator diodes are rare, with the majority coming from abroad, especially from Japan. Generally, the color ring voltage regulator diode is labeled with the model and parameters, and detailed information can be found in the component manual. The color ring voltage regulator diode has a small volume, low power, and a voltage stabilization value mostly within 10V, making it highly susceptible to breakdown and damage. The appearance of the color ring voltage regulator diode is very similar to the color ring resistance, so it is easy to get it wrong. The color ring on the color ring zener diode represents two meanings: one represents a number, and the other represents the number of Decimal separator (usually, the color ring zener diode is represented by one decimal place, which is brown. It can also be understood as magnification, that is: × 10 (to the 1st power), the specific color corresponds to the number of the same color ring resistor.


Due to the small size of low-power regulator diodes, it is difficult to label the model on the tube, so some foreign products use color rings to represent their nominal stable voltage value. Like color ring resistors, the colors of the ring are brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, white, and black, which are used to represent the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0, respectively.


Some voltage regulator diodesonly have 2 color rings, while others have 3. The first ring is closest to the negative electrode, followed by the second and third rings.


Only two color rings are available. The nominal stable voltage is two digits, i.e“ ×× V "(several tens of volts). The first loop represents the values in the ten digits of the voltage, while the second loop represents the values in the individual digits. For example, if the colors of the first and second rings are red and yellow in sequence, it is 24V.


There are three color rings, and the second and third color rings have the same color. The nominal stable voltage is an integer with one decimal place, i.e“ ×.× V "(time and voltage). The first loop represents the numerical value of the voltage bit. The second and third color rings (with the same color) together represent the value of ten decimal places (the first place after the Decimal separator). For example, if the colors of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rings are gray, red, and red in sequence, it is 8.2V.


There are three color rings, and the colors of the second and third color rings are different. The nominal stable voltage is a two digit integer with one decimal place, i.e“ ××.× V "(several tens of volts). The first loop represents the numerical value in the tenth digit of the voltage. The second ring represents the numerical value in each digit. The third ring represents the value in ten decimal places (the first place after the Decimal separator). However, this situation is relatively rare, such as the comparison table of commonly used voltage regulator diode models for brown, black, yellow (10.4V) and brown, black, and gray (10.8V) (note: the diode models in the following are starting with 1, such as 1N4728, N4729, etc.)




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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