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What are the main categories of regulator diodees?

There are two types of stabilizer pipes: low pressure and high pressure. The Vz value of the low-pressure regulator diodee is generally below 40V, and the high-pressure regulator diodee can reach up to 200V. In the past, domestic voltage regulators were all packaged in metal shells, which were not only large in size, but also high in price. In recent years, a large number of a full range of glass sealing regulator diodees have been introduced, and their advantage is the specification

Complete (Vz=2.4~200V), good voltage regulation, small size (DO-35 package, pipe diameter φ2.0mm, length 4mm), low price.

Semiconductor regulator diodes are also known as Zener diodes or voltage regulation diodes, referred to as regulator diodees. Both regulators and semiconductor diodes have unidirectional conductive properties, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish them just by looking at their shape. For example, the 2CW7 resembles a low-power diode, while the 2DW7 resembles a transistor. The dynamic resistance is also relatively large. In the case of a regulator diodee, when the reverse voltage exceeds its operating voltage Vz (also known as the Zener voltage or stabilizing voltage), the reverse current will increase suddenly, while the voltage across the device remains essentially constant. The corresponding reverse volt-ampere characteristic curve is very steep and the dynamic resistance is very small. Regulators can be used as voltage regulators, voltage references, overvoltage protection, level translators, and more. In this article, the Dz symbol is used to represent the regulator diodee.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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