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Learn about the three operating states of the transistor

Learn about the three operating states of the transistor

The full name of the triode is semiconductor transistor, also known as bipolar transistor and transistor, which is a semiconductor device that controls the current. Its function is to amplify weak signals into electrical signals with large amplitude values, and is also used as a contactless switch.

    Triode (also known as transistor) in the Chinese meaning is only a collective term for three-pin amplifier devices, we often say triode, may be several devices.

    Three operating states of the transistor

    1. The transistor cuts off the working state

    The transistor used to amplify the signal should not operate in the cut-off state, and if the input signal partially enters the cut-off region of the transistor characteristics, the output will produce nonlinear distortion.

    2. Triode amplification working state

    In the linear state, the triode input a sinusoidal signal, the output is also a sinusoidal signal, at this time the amplitude of the output signal is larger than the input signal, indicating that the triode has amplified the input signal, but the characteristics of the sinusoidal signal have not changed, so there is no nonlinear distortion.

    3. Triode saturation working state.

    The role of a transistor in a circuit

    1. The transistorin the amplification circuit has three basic amplification circuits, which are both common-emitter amplifiers, common-collector amplifiers and common-base amplifiers, and it can also form many amplification circuits such as multi-stage amplifiers.

    2. In the sine wave oscillation circuit and other kinds of oscillators, the triode needs to participate, and is the main component in the circuit.

    3. VT2 in the circuit switch circuit is an electronic switch tube, which is used to control whether VT1 enters the working state.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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