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Three characteristics of transient voltage suppressors

Three characteristics of transient voltage suppressors

A transient voltage suppressor, abbreviated as TVS, is a high-efficiency protection device in the form of a diode. When the poles of the TVS diode are subjected to reverse transient high-energy impact, it can change the high impedance between its poles to low impedance at a speed of 10-12 seconds, absorb up to thousands of watts of surge power, and clamp the voltage between the two poles at a predetermined value, effectively protecting the precision components in the electronic circuit from various surge pulses.

Three features of  transient voltage suppressors:

1. Adding the transient suppression diode to the signal and power line can prevent the failure of the microprocessor or microcomputer due to instantaneous pulses, such as electrostatic discharge effect, AC power surge and switching power supply noise.

2. The electrostatic discharge effect can release more than 10000V, more than 60A pulse, and can last for 10ms; Typical TTL devices, on the other hand, are damaged when they encounter 10V pulses of more than 30ms. With TVS diodes, pulses that can cause device damage can be effectively absorbed, and interference caused by switching between buses can be eliminated (Crosstalk).

3. The  transient voltage suppressors TVS diode is placed between the signal line and the ground, which can avoid unnecessary noise affecting the data and control bus.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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