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Classification of transistors

Classification of transistors

SMD transistor Power transistor Ordinary transistor Metal case transistor

Second, the classification of tertiary diodes:

According to polarity, transistors it is divided into two types: one is the NPN type transistor, which is currently commonly used, and the other is the PNP type triode. According to the material, it is divided into two types: one is a silicon transistor, which is currently a commonly used one, and the other is a germanium triode, which was used a lot before. The triode is divided into two types according to the working frequency: one is the low-frequency transistor, which is mainly used in places where the working frequency is relatively low; The other is a high-frequency transistor, which is mainly used in places where the working frequency is relatively high. According to the power, it is divided into three types: one is a low-power transistor, which has a smaller output power; One is a medium-power transistor, which has a larger output power; The other is a high-power transistors, its output power can be large, mainly used in high-power output occasions. According to the use, it is divided into: enlargement diode and switch diode.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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