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Which has a shorter recovery time compared to Schottky or Fast Recovery Diode?

Which has a shorter recovery time compared to Schottky or Fast Recovery Diode?

Schottky diode is a barrier diode formed by the end of metals and semiconductors, conducting electricity with a majority of carriers, and its inverting saturation current is much larger than the PN junction of a fast recovery diode conducted by a few carriers, and the storage effect of a few carriers is very small, and the reverse recovery time is much smaller than the faster recovery.

The size, process, and withstand voltage rating of the diode all affect the on-voltage drop and reverse recovery time, and large diodes typically have higher VF and tRR, which can cause relatively large losses. Switching diodes are generally divided into "high speed", "very high speed" and "very high speed" diodes by speed, and the reverse recovery time decreases with increasing speed. Fast recovery diodes have a Trr of a few hundred nanoseconds, while ultra-high-speed fast recovery diodes have a Trr of tens of nanoseconds. In low-power applications, an alternative to fast recovery diodes is Schottky diodes, which have negligible recovery times and reverse recovery voltage VF that is only half that of fast recovery diodes (0.4V to 1V), but Schottky diodes are rated much lower than fast recovery diodes and cannot be used in high voltage or high power applications. In addition, Schottky diodes have a higher reverse leakage current than silicon diodes, but these factors do not limit their application in many power supplies.

The recovery time of the fast recovery diode is 250-500ns

The recovery time of the ultrafast recovery diode is 75-250ns

The recovery time of Schottky diodes is about 10ns

And their forward voltage is also different, Schottky < fast recovery < ultra-fast recovery diode




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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