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How to distinguish the quality of a rectifier bridge?

How to distinguish the quality of a rectifier bridge?
rectifier bridge, as a power component, is widely used in various power equipment. Rectifier bridges are the most commonly used circuits that utilize the unidirectional conductivity of diodes for rectification, commonly used to convert alternating current into direct current. So how to distinguish the quality of the rectifier bridge.
    If individualrectifier bridge labels cannot be identified due to certain reasons, the following two methods can be used to distinguish them:
   1. Appearance discrimination method. The full bridge consists of four diodes with four pins. The connection point of the negative poles of the two diodes is the "positive pole" of the full bridge DC output terminal, and the connection point of the positive poles of the two diodes is the "negative pole" of the full bridge DC output terminal. Most rectifier full bridges are marked with "+", "-", and "~" symbols. (Among them, "+" represents the positive pole of the rectified output voltage, "-" represents the negative pole of the output voltage, and "~" represents the AC voltage input terminal), making it easy to determine each electrode.
    2. Multimeter detection method. If the positive and negative polarity markings of the component are blurred, a multimeter can also be used to test it. Set the multimeter to "R" during testing × At 1k "gear, connect the black lead to a certain pin of the full bridge component, and use the red lead to measure the other three pins separately. If the measured resistance values are all infinite, then the pin connected to this black lead is the DC output positive pole of the full bridge component; If the measured resistance values are all within the range of 4~10k Ω, then the pin connected to the black table is the DC output negative pole of the full bridge component, while the other two pins are the AC input pins of the full bridge component.
During detection, the positive and reverse resistance values of each rectifier diode between the "+" pole and two "" poles, and between the "one" pole and two "" poles can be measured with a multimeter (the same measurement method as that of ordinary diodes) to determine whether the full bridge is damaged. If the forward and reverse resistance values of a diode within the entire bridge are both 0 or infinite, it can be determined that the diode has been broken down or damaged due to an open circuit.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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