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What are the differences in reverse fast recovery time of commonly used diodes?

What are the differences in reverse fast recovery time of commonly used diodes?

What is the reverse fast recovery time of the diode? The recovery time cycle of different diodes is also different.

1 Differences in reverse fast recovery time of commonly used diodes

The above types of diodes vary in reverse recovery time depending on the chip process, and are usually divided into four categories:

1. Fast recovery diode, reverse recovery time 150-500nS (nanoseconds);

2. Ordinary rectifier diode with reverse recovery time greater than 500nS (nanoseconds);

3. High efficiency rectifier diode, reverse recovery time 50-100nS (nanoseconds);

4. Ultra fast rectifier diode, reverse recovery time 15-35nS (nanoseconds);

5. Schottky rectifier diode, theoretically without reverse recovery time, actually less than 10nS (nanoseconds)

diodes are one of the most commonly used electronic components, and their biggest characteristic is unidirectional conductivity, which means that current can only flow in one direction of the diode. The functions of diodes include rectification circuits, detection circuits, voltage stabilization circuits, and various modulation circuits, all of which are mainly composed of diodes. The principle is very simple, and it is precisely due to the invention of diodes and other components, The birth of our current rich and colorful electronic information world.

2 Common diodes

1. Fast recovery diode:

Fast recovery diode is a semiconductor diode with good switching characteristics and short reverse recovery time. It can be understood as a fast diode or high-frequency diode, usually used as a rectifier diode in switching power supplies, and as a continuous current and back voltage absorption diode in inverter circuits.

The internal structure of a fast recovery diode is different from that of a regular PN junction diode. It belongs to the PIN junction type diode, which adds a base region I between the P-type silicon material and the N-type silicon material, forming a PIN silicon wafer. Due to the thin base region and low reverse recovery charge, the fast recovery diode has a shorter reverse recovery time, lower forward voltage drop, and higher reverse breakdown voltage (withstand voltage). 2. Ordinary rectifier diode:

A semiconductor device used to convert alternating current into direct current. The most important characteristic of a diode is its unidirectional conductivity. In a circuit, current can only flow in from the positive pole of the diode and out from the negative pole. Usually it contains a PN junction with two terminals, positive and negative. This type of device has a large junction area and can pass a large current (up to thousands of amperes), but its operating frequency is not high, usually below tens of kilohertz. Rectifierdiodes are mainly used in various low-frequency half wave rectification circuits. To achieve full wave rectification, they need to be connected into a rectifier bridge for use.

3. Schottky rectifier diode:

Schottky diode, abbreviated as SBD. SBD is not made using the PN junction principle formed by the contact between P-type semiconductors and N-type semiconductors, but using the metal semiconductor junction principle formed by the contact between metals and semiconductors. Therefore, SBD, also known as metal semiconductor (contact) diodes or surface barrier diodes, is a type of hot carrier diode. The structure and characteristics of SBD make it suitable for combined use as high-frequency rectifier in low-voltage and high current output fields, detection and mixing at very high frequencies (such as X band, C-band, S band and Ku band), and clamping in high-speed logic circuits. SBD is also commonly used in ICs, such as SBD? TTL integrated circuits have long become the mainstream of TTL circuits and are widely used in high-speed computers.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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