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Diode simple DC voltage regulation circuit and fault handling

The diode simple voltage regulation circuit is mainly used in some local DC voltage supply circuits, and is widely used because of the simple circuit and low cost. In the diode simple voltage regulation circuit, the diode's voltage drop is basically unchanged.


The voltage drop characteristics of the diode: the voltage drop of the diode is basically unchanged after the diode is turned on, and the voltage drop of the diode is about 0.6V for silicon diodes and about 0.2V for germanium diode.


This is a simple DC regulator circuit consisting of three diode. VD1, VD2 and VD3 in the circuit are ordinary diodes, which are connected in series to form a simple DC voltage regulation circuit.


Analyzing how a circuit works that has never been seen before is difficult, and even more difficult for beginners who don't have a thorough foundation.

The analysis ideas for this circuit are mainly described as follows.


1) From the circuit, it can be seen that 3 diode are connected in series, and according to the characteristics of the series circuit, these 3 diodes will be turned on at the same time if they are turned on, and they will be turned off at the same time if they are cut-off.


2) According to the analysis of the judgment principle of whether the diode is on, there is a much higher voltage than the negative pole on the positive pole of the diode, whether it is DC or AC voltage, and the diode is in the conduction state at this time. As can be seen from the circuit, in VD1


The positive pole is connected to the DC working voltage +V in the resistor R1 circuit, and the negative pole of VD3 is grounded, so that a large enough forward DC voltage is added to the three series diode. From this analysis, it can be seen that the three diodes VD1, VD2 and VD3 are in DC


Conduction under the action of operating voltage +V.


3) It can also be seen from the circuit that the AC signal voltage is not added to the 3 diode, because there is a large-capacity capacitor C1 between the positive pole of VD1, that is, point A and ground in the circuit, and any AC voltage at point A is bypassed to the ground terminal.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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