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​The similarities between the twoTVS diode

The similarities between the twoTVS diode is a new product developed on the basis of voltage regulator technology, which is one of the new high-efficiency circuit protection devices with P-second response time and high surge absorption capacity; Zener diode (also known as Zener diode) is a diode that utilizes PN junction reverse breakdown state to maintain voltage stability within a large range of current changes.

From a definition perspective, their commonalities are:

(1) Under certain conditions, the voltage at both ends can be limited

(2) During long-term operation, the current withstand value is almost the same and is related to the volume power consumption

2 Differences between the two

(1) Working principle

TVS diode: Avalanche effect. In case of high-energy instantaneous overvoltage pulse, its working impedance can be immediately reduced to a very low conduction value, allowing the maximum current to pass through, and clamping the voltage to a predetermined level, so as to avoid damage to precision components in the circuit.

Zener tunneling effect: When the reverse voltage reaches and exceeds the stable voltage, the reverse current suddenly increases, and the voltage at both ends of the diode remains constant.

(2) Purpose

TVS diode: used for transient voltage protection; In terms of voltage accuracy, within a certain range; In terms of flow capacity, it can reach several hundred amperes; In terms of voltage stability, TVS diode 6.8v-550V;

Voltage stabilizing diode: clamp protection for the drain and source electrodes; In terms of voltage accuracy, the voltage regulator is relatively accurate; In terms of flow capacity, the surge current of the voltage regulator is very small; In terms of voltage regulation value, the voltage regulator is 3.3v-75V;

After such a clear comparison, it was found that in many cases, TVS diode and voltage regulator diodes cannot be substituted for each other, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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