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What are the design considerations for bridge rectifier circuits?

What happens to the peak reverse voltage of the bridge rectifier circuit, and what is the relationship between the peak input size of the bridge rectifier circuit?

When using a bridge rectifier circuit to provide a DC output from an AC input, there are a few things to consider:

Voltage drop: Don't forget that the current flowing through the bridge rectifier circuit passes through the two diodes. As a result, the output voltage will drop by this amount. Since most bridge rectifier circuits use silicon diodes, this voltage drop is at least 1.2 volts and increases as the current increases. As a result, the maximum voltage output that can be achieved is at least 1.2 volts lower than the peak voltage of the AC input.

Calculate the heat dissipated in the rectifier: the diode will drop the voltage by at least 1.2 volts (let's say a standard silicon diode), and as the current increases, this voltage will rise. It is caused by the standard voltage drop across the diode as well as the resistance within the diode. Note that the current passes through the two diodes inside the bridge in any half cycle. First there is a set of two diodes, then another. It is necessary to consult the datasheet of the diodes of the bridge rectifier circuit or the electronics of the entire bridge rectifier circuit to see the voltage drop at the envisaged current level. The voltage drop and the current passing through the rectifier circuit generate heat and heat dissipation is required. In some cases, this can be easily dissipated with air cooling, but in other cases, the bridge rectifier circuit may need to be bolted to the heat sink. For this purpose, many bridge rectifier circuits are constructed to bolt to the heat sink.

Peak Reverse Voltage: It is important to ensure that the peak reverse voltage of the bridge rectifier circuit or individual diodes is not exceeded, otherwise the diode may break down. The PIV rating of the diode in the bridge rectifier circuit is lower than that required for the two-diode configuration used with the center-tapped transformer. If the diode voltage drop is ignored, the bridge rectifier circuit requires half the diode PIV rating of the center-tapped rectifier circuit for the same output voltage. This may be another advantage of using this configuration. The peak reverse voltage across the diode is equal to the peak secondary voltage Vsec because for half a cycle, diodes D1 and D4 are on, while diodes D2 and D3 are reversed biased. The full-wave bridge rectifier circuit shows a peak reverse voltage assuming no voltage drop on a perfect diode, and using this, it can be seen that points A and B will have the same potential, as will points C and D. This means that the peak voltage from the transformer will appear on the load. The same voltage is also present on each non-conductive diode.

But in a bridge rectifier circuit, two diodes connected in series turn on at each half-cycle. Thus, the voltage drop occurs due to two diodes equal to 1.4 volts (0.7 + 0.7 = 1.4 volts). However, the power loss due to this voltage drop is very small.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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