Product knowledge

MOS diode characteristics

MOS diode characteristics

1. The input impedance is very high, because the gate of the MOS transistor has an insulating film oxide, which can even reach hundreds of millions of ohms, so its input hardly draws current and can be used as an electronic switch.

2. The on-resistance is low, and it can achieve a resistance of several milliohms and extremely low conduction loss.

3. Fast switching speed and low switching loss, especially suitable for PWM output mode.

4. Great flexibility in circuit design, grid bias can be positive, negative or zero, triode can only work under forward bias, electron  diode can only work under negative bias;

4. Low power consumption, stable performance, strong radiation resistance, low manufacturing cost, small use area, and high integration.

5. Extremely strong high current handling capability, it can be conveniently used as a constant current source.

So now almost all the chips are integrated with MOS  diodes.

6. The gate of the MOS  diode is easily broken down by static electricity, the input impedance of the gate is large, it is difficult to release the induced charge, and the high voltage can easily break down the insulating layer and cause damage.

The previous points can also be said to be the advantages of MOS  diode. The last point is that it is relatively easy to break down. The current MOS  diodes are not so easy to be broken down. Many of them have  diodeprotection. Most CMOS devices have added IO port protection.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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