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What is the difference of fast recovery diodes and rectifier diodes​?

What is the difference in the role of fast recovery diodes and rectifier diodes?

The performance parameters of fast recovery diodes are between Schottky diodes and ordinary rectifier diodes. They have a reduced conduction voltage of Schottky diodes (not as low as Schottky diodes), fast speed, and relatively high voltage resistance (Schottky diodes generally have low voltage resistance). Fast recovery diodes are mainly used for rectification in high-frequency applications, such as secondary rectification in switching power supplies and rectification in commercial power supply. There is no problem with fast recovery diodes, However, due to the material and process of the fast recovery diode, its PN junction is thinner than that of ordinary rectifier tubes, and its ability to generate large currents in an instant is weaker than that of ordinary rectifier tubes. Especially when the filter capacitor is too large, improper selection of the maximum current of the tube can instantly burn out the fast recovery PN junction.

In addition, the fast and ultra fast terms in fast diodes refer to the speed at which the diode turns off in reverse. If the rectifier is a square wave, it is useful, but a sine wave is not. fast recovery diodes have a short reverse recovery time, while ordinary rectifier diodes have a long reverse recovery time. Fast recovery diodes are used in circuits with higher frequencies, while ordinary rectifier diodes are used in circuits with lower frequencies (power frequency 50HZ). Simply put, high-frequency power supplies require high-frequency diode rectification. The general switching power supply 5v3.3v is Schottky. No matter how high the voltage is, it will almost recover, and there are also 12V using Schottky. It is difficult for Schottky to achieve high pressure resistance.

There are various types of fast recovery diodes, which can be selected according to the needs of the circuit in the rectification of biliary machinery. Due to the difference between transistors and electronic tubes, the overload capacity is low. When selecting, it is necessary to consider leaving a large current and voltage margin to improve reliability.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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