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Conductive characteristics of rectifier bridge

Conductive characteristics of rectifier bridge

The rectifier bridge is composed of four diodes connected in a specific way, which can achieve full wave rectification of single-phase AC power. During the positive half cycle, two diodes conduct and the other two diodes cut off, and the current passes through the load in a positive direction; At the negative half cycle, the conducting and cut-off diodes exchange, and the current still shows a positive direction, thus achieving full wave rectification. In this way, the rectifier bridge can convert bidirectional AC power into unidirectional pulsating DC power.

2. Positive conduction characteristics

The conductivity characteristics of a rectifier bridge are first reflected in the voltage drop during forward conduction. Each diode generates a certain forward voltage drop when conducting, which is usually 0.7V (silicon diode) or 0.3V (Schottky diode). In the rectifier bridge, the current passes through two diodes at a time, so the total forward voltage drop is approximately 1.4V (silicon diode) or 0.6V (Schottky diode). This means that the rectifier bridge will have a certain power loss when conducting, which is particularly significant in high current applications.

In order to reduce forward voltage drop and improve rectification efficiency, engineers often choose low voltage drop diodes, such as Schottky diodes, to construct rectifier bridges. The Schottky rectifier bridge exhibits lower power loss under high current conditions, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the circuit.

3. Reverse blocking characteristic

The reverse blocking characteristic is another key factor in the conductivity of rectifier bridges. In one and a half cycles of alternating current, two diodes are in reverse bias state, and they must be able to withstand reverse voltage without conducting, which is the reverse blocking ability of diodes.

Ideally, the reverse leakage current should be minimized to reduce energy loss and ensure circuit stability. Efficient rectifier bridges typically use diodes with excellent reverse blocking characteristics to ensure stable operation even in high voltage and high temperature environments. Especially in industrial applications, rectifier bridges often face high voltages and harsh working conditions, so their reverse blocking characteristics directly affect the reliability and service life of rectifier bridges.


4. Conductivity loss of rectifier bridge

The conduction loss of rectifier bridge is mainly composed of two aspects: the loss caused by forward conduction voltage drop and the loss caused by reverse leakage current. In high-power applications, conductive losses account for a significant portion of the total losses in the circuit, so it is very important to choose diodes with low voltage drop and low leakage current.

In addition, the operating frequency of the rectifier bridge can also affect the conduction loss. In high-frequency applications, diodes with poor reverse recovery characteristics may result in additional switching losses. Therefore, fast recovery diodes and Schottky diodes perform excellently in high-frequency rectification applications, reducing not only conduction losses but also switching losses, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the rectifier bridge.


5. Performance of rectifier bridge in practical applications

Rectifiers are widely used in power adapters, chargers, inverters, and various industrial power sources. Its conductive properties are crucial in these applications. For example, in a switching power supply, the efficiency of the rectifier bridge directly affects the energy efficiency level of the power supply; In inverters, the reliability of the rectifier bridge determines the stability and service life of the equipment.

Different applications have varying performance requirements for rectifier bridges. For example, in low voltage and high current applications, a Schottky rectifier bridge with low forward voltage drop is an ideal choice; In high-voltage applications, fast recovery diodes with excellent reverse blocking characteristics are a better choice.

The YFW rectifier bridge, as a key rectifier component, has a significant impact on the overall performance of the circuit due to its conductivity characteristics. By selecting the appropriate diode type, the forward conduction and reverse blocking characteristics of the rectifier bridge can be optimized, thereby improving the efficiency and reliability of the circuit. In practical applications, understanding and optimizing the conductivity characteristics of rectifier bridges will help design more efficient and stable electronic devices.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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