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Explanation of high-power Schottky diode parameters

Explanation of high-power Schottky diode parameters

When selecting Schottky diode, specific parameters should be referred to. Have you understood high-power Schottky diode?

Schottky diode transient surge current IFSM (A):

At the moment when the electrical appliance is first powered on, due to the small internal resistance of the capacitor to AC or pulse, it is equivalent to adding a pulse voltage to the capacitor at the moment of power on, generating a large amount of current, or a sudden change in input voltage can also generate a large amount of current. Transient surge current is the maximum current that can be withstood at this moment. If it exceeds the maximum IFSM, the  will break down and fail.

Forward voltage drop VF MAX (V):

Schottky diode (SBD) is a low-power, ultra fast semiconductor device. The most significant feature is the extremely short reverse recovery time (which can be as small as a few nanoseconds), and the forward conduction voltage drop is only about 0.4V. The forward voltage drop here refers to the fact that when the forward voltage is very low, the forward current is very small, almost zero, and can be considered as not conducting according to the volt-ampere characteristic curve of the diode. The minimum forward voltage that enables a Schottky diode to conduct is called the forward voltage drop of the diode.




Contact: Emma Tan

Phone: +8613650089053


Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province

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