Transistor, the full name should be semiconductor triode, also known as bipolar transistor and crystal triode, is a semiconductor device that controls current. Its function is to amplify weak signals into electrical signals with large amplitude values, and is also used as a non-contact switch. Crystal triode is one of the basic components of semiconductors. It has the function of current amplification and is the core component of electronic circuits. The triode is made on a semiconductor substrate with two PN junctions that are very close to each other. The two PN junctions divide the whole semiconductor into three parts. The middle part is the base area, and the two sides are the emitter area and the collector area. The arrangement is PNP And NPN two kinds.
Transistor Product Categories
a. According to material: silicon tube, germanium tube
b. According to the structure: NPN, PNP.
c. Divided by function: switching tube, power tube, Darlington tube, photosensitive tube, etc.
d. According to power: small power tube, medium power tube, high power tube
e. According to the working frequency: low frequency tube, high frequency tube, super frequency tube
f. According to the structure and technology: alloy tube, flat tube
g. According to the installation method: plug-in triode, patch triode
Product function
The crystal Transistor has the function of current amplification, and its essence is that the triode can control a large change of the collector current with a small change of the base current. This is the most basic and important characteristic of a triode. We refer to the ratio of ΔIc/ΔIb as the current magnification of the crystal triode, which is represented by the symbol "β". The current amplification factor is a fixed value for a certain triode, but it will also change to a certain extent with the change of the base current when the Transistor is working.
Contact: Emma Tan
Phone: +8613650089053
Add: No.9 Cuibi street,Nancheng,Zhang mutou town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province